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Sarah Lamb

First Dose of Pfizer on 05/21/21

Kitchener, Ontario

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I don’t have any known underlining conditions and was a healthy 41 year old . Before my vaccine I was working out 5-6 times a week and I run a dog walking business so walked many km a day. I am happily married and have a wonderful 5 year old son.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

Right after my vaccine I felt completely fine. That evening when I went to sleep I woke up twice with my arms falling asleep. I thought possibly I was sleeping strange due to arm pain from the shot . Little did I know it was the first sign of what was to come. The next morning I lost feeling from the waist down and collapsed spraining my ankle. I went to our emergency department for an X -ray on my ankle . When I explained what had happened a report was made to public health as an adverse effect to the vaccine . I was told they were contacting my Dr for further blood work and a referral to a neurologist. That day is also when my neuropathy issues started... tingling from my knees down , unsteady on my feet , twitching in my fingers and toes as well as my arms continuing to fall asleep many times a night waking me . The 10 th day after my vaccine I had another episode where I lost feeling from my waist down and also lost vision, extremely dizzy, couldn’t put words together and couldn’t read or focus . I thought I was having a stroke . It lasted about 5 min but the dizziness ( I couldn’t walk without holding onto walls ) and confusion lasted two days. Tingling and numbness ( I didn’t know if water on my legs was hot or cold etc ) lasted on and off for 2 months but then turned into pain ( burning and throbbing ) in my legs as well as joint pain , migraines and dizzy spells. My last “flare “‘resulted in breathing issues when going up and down the stairs, discoloration in my legs and urinary retention.

Q: What was your life like after you got the vaccine?

I’m trying to remain positive that I will heal completely but as a previously active and healthy person it has been very challenging . My symptoms now come in flares and I can only hope I will continue to improve.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

My GP did blood work to look for diabetes / thyroid issues / lupus and rheumatoid arthritis ( all were normal). I was referred to a neurologist and they ruled out Guillain Barre Syndrome . I was told my tingling was a small fiber issue but they were going to do an EMG test on my large fiber nerves ( this happened 5 months after my vaccine and was clear). I was referred to an autonomic specialist in June but still do not have a date for an apt. My neurologist has now suggested I see a Rheumatologist.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

My reaction was reported to public health the morning I collapsed after my vaccination . 4 months later ( before my nerve conduction tests or all specialist appts were complete ) public health called me to tell me to get a second vaccination . I told them I had no answers to what was happening to me and I still have symptoms. On what basis did they suggest I get a second vaccine ? They told me that even though I had an adverse effect from the vaccine it was not a “contraindication “ and my symptoms were temporary . I once again told them I was still having symptoms 4 months out and I was informed they were closing my case and sending a letter to my doctor to get another vaccine.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

I have been taking natural remedies now in hopes to reduce possible inflammation. I have not been given anything by Drs for pain.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

I simply wish others understood this is REAL. I’ve spoken to literally 100s of people with similar symptoms to my own . Very few are getting any help . It’s become too political . Everyone should be made aware of possible side effects so they can make truly informed decisions ( either way !) People should also stop labeling others "Anti-vaxxers” and “ conspiracy theorists" when they are simply making decisions about their health. I made a decision I regret. In my province, I can’t see a movie with my son, take him to skating, go to a museum... all because I refuse to take another dose of something that has caused 6 months worth of injury. I think most people should be able to see the stupidity in this.


7 comentários

Os comentários foram desativados.
16 de dez. de 2021

I am so sorry for yours and everyone else’s suffering. Since when has any medical procedure not had to be explained and openly shared about ALL the possible side effects? And as we learn and make mistakes, mustn’t we be prepared to act as adults and admit those errors and make amends and reveal this so no one else gets hurt? When will come the apologies to thousands that grave errors have been made? This is where my main focus is for everyone. We are all learning. We all make mistakes. And we all make choices. But let’s have all the information out on the table for those who truly want to make an informed decision. Let’s be fair a…


Erin Chalmers
Erin Chalmers
16 de dez. de 2021


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. I feel a little more validated with my decision to not vax. I have Lupus, Sjogren’s, Reynaud‘s, Hashimoto’s POTS Syndrome (autonomic dysfunction) along with other comorbidities. I’ve been noticing with many people are developing POTS from both the vaccine and/or covid19. My very last vaccine was 10 years ago. Tetanus (a dead vaccine). I ended up with full blown Tetanus within a few days, throat & tongue swelling, Parotitis, and ended up on high doses of steroids. I went through the same process recently with Public Health Canada in hopes for an exemption. I was called and told the same thing.…


Aaron Chen
Aaron Chen
16 de dez. de 2021

Thank you for sharing your truth. So many that have been injured by the vaccine are labeled as anti-vaxxers or worse. We are just trying to shed a light on a very real problem that is being swept under the rug. I’m praying for a full recovery for your and everyone else that has been injured


Bridget Quigg
Bridget Quigg
15 de dez. de 2021

100% with you, Sarah. I so appreciate your story and especially your call for kindness, honesty, and sanity. You will heal. We'll figure this out. With love, Bridget


14 de dez. de 2021

Please do not cave and take another dose of their poison. If everyone said NO, these crimes against humanity would stop. They need to dangle the weasel from a rope.

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