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Julian Scholefield

First Dose of Pfizer on 07/13/21

Summerland, BC Canada

44 yrs old

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I spent my free time cycling, hiking and doing watersports in summer and skied almost every weekend in winter. I am a former Ironman Triathlete.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

July 25, just 12 days after my second Pfizer dose. I went from being completely fine to paralyzed in 2 hours. I am currently listed as a T9/10 complete paralysis and limited to a wheelchair.

Q: What is your life like now, after getting the vaccine?

My life has been turned upside down and is a daily struggle. I deal with constant nerve pain, i am exhausted all the time and have trouble regulating my body temperature.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

My paralysis is deemed ADEM (Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis) caused by an auto-immune reaction to the COVID vaccine.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

I have reported directly to Pfizer and as a Canadian citizen to the VISP (Vaccine Injury Support Program) both have acknowledged receipt of my submission but have not done anything to date.

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

I have had some slow progress on my recovery. Not sure if it is time, medications or the alternative medicine treatments i am receiving.

Q: Have you had Covid before? What was your experience if so?


Q: What do you wish others knew?

There are very real and very serious side effects to the vaccines that are not properly communicated.


Real Not Rare does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. Anything contained on this website or conveyed in the blog stories or groups, is not substitute for adequate medical care, diagnosis, and/or treatment from a medical doctor. It is strongly recommended that prior to acting upon any information gleaned via Real Not Rare or their representatives, you at all times first consult a physician. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual being interviewed in each story, and do not necessarily reflect the position of Real, Not Rare as a whole.



Jul 14, 2022


Cat Parker
Cat Parker
Jun 19, 2022

Julian, I just want you to know you are not alone. As a fellow vaccine injured victim, I created a FB support group. If you need anything, please let me know. I hope to help as many people as I can just like us through support, resources, education, and anything else to help them through this journey with so many others that I am bringing together to support those like us. Sending prayers and hugs. Cat

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