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Daniela-Ioana Alexa

First Dose of Pfizer on 6/03/21

United Kingdom

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

My life was still not as should be because of all pandemic situation had some health issues in the past like chronic pain endometriosis back pain urticaria fatigue sleeping problems but they were my problems and I could deal with them they were mine I had enough to deal with.

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

Started minutes after vaccine. Felt blurred and dizzy and shaking. My hand was in terrible pain for 2 days. I couldn't use it much 10 days after; with horrible dizziness, lost balance, light fainting, numbness, started depersonalization, pins and needles, insomnia, anxiety attacks, tremors, twitching, formication.

Q: What was your life like after you got the vaccine?

Horrible. I was strong for more than 5 months, but started to be unbearable. Only my faith and God keeps me going. I’ve pushed myself all this time through it and worked even if i was really sick. Been twice to emergency; they didn't know what's happening, and told me that they don't know yet. All investigations were fine but I was losing myself slowly. It’s hard every day - you don t know how you will wake up or if you will ever wake up. After 10 days I was fine - myself again. On my period - it all started again. It happens every month since, with symptoms changing too. I believe in God’s healing and one day I will be myself. Until then, I try to stay on the surface, and not drown.

Q: Share your experience with any medical care and any diagnoses you have received:

Still waiting for my brain mri results. All blood tests were fine. No help, no diagnoses; as they don't know how to help me in uk.

Q: Was your reaction reported, and what was the response?

Yellow book - no response whatsoever

Q: Is there anything that has helped, and have your symptoms improved?

Positive thinking, prayers, vitamins, supplements and a warrior attitude.

But sometimes I am tired of being strong but I have to keep going despite.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

I wish them to know the truth before they take the vaccine that the reaction are not so rare and there are huge risks and their health can be compromised drastically.

Wish them to think twice before they put an experimental v in their system.




May God give you strength. In tribulation, one grows closer to God. You will come out of this stronger in mind body and spirit. Lord have mercy.


Be Encouraged!


I've been following this stuff closely and there are some things you're going to want to know about.

What you had to go through is part of a larger picture. I am so sorry you had to be exposed to this. It is a world wide crime against humanity. There are doctors that came together to understand what to do. Their information is censored, so regular citizens are bringing it to the public.

A.) The Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance:

B.) This guy fills in some holes in above protocol.

See also:

C.) Dr. Bryan Ardis is a sharp guy, known for figuring out / finding out stuff no one else does.

D.) This…



Dear Daniella,

Epoch Times reached out to me and would like to interview you. I believe it would be an awesome story with significant impact. Your story is highly credible and could open up the eyes of the sleeping public to the greatest fraud in the history of medicine.

if you have interest in doing an interview please contact me by my email or message me through my GETTR account @Jamesathorpmd. I will assist you and support your story

James A Thorp MD

Board Certified Obstetrics & Gynecology

Board Certified Maternal Fetal Medicine



I hope your health improves. Getting a true risk profile for any human vs these jabs (or any other jabs) is impossible for many reasons.

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